Tomorrow is my last day in the States until January 1. I wonder what I'll miss?
Cheeseburgers. Carol Ann. Millie. NPR. Holdie. Richard. Target.
All in all, this experience is hardly real. It's the definition of surreal. I'm leaving to live in another country, and I feel nothing. I'm not scared, but I'm not excited, because it still hasn't hit me I'm leaving.
I've spent the last week feeling like I should be incredibly busy, and instead napping, playing with Al the Cat, and eating ice cream.
Maybe tomorrow it will all sink in. Maybe not.
Maybe when I get on the airplane it will all sink in.
Then again, maybe not.
I wonder when it will hit me. Perhaps my first day there, when I almost electrocute myself plugging in my laptop, or when I take my first run through Hyde Park. Maybe when I meet Laura and Sarah for a drink. Maybe when it's my first day of class and my professors say, "Cheers."
Maybe it won't hit me at all because I've been preparing for this day my entire life. I've always known I'd live in England, it was always just a question of when.
Guess the answer is now.
Don't forget your surrogate family who also has Skype! Have a great trip over the pond.