St. Paul's cathedral is beautiful. I'll give you that Sir Christopher Wren. However, I do have a bone to pick with you, called it is WAY TOO TALL TO CLIMB.
Now, for those of you who are unaware, I do not do heights. Of any sort. Whatsoever.
My last experience with heights was four years ago in the London Eye. It was, how do you say, a living nightmare. I was stuck in a bubble -- made of glass -- for an hour -- dangling over the Themes -- sobbing hysterically, while a 14 year old Holden giggled at my misery. I still hold a grudge, but seriously, NOT COOL HOLDEN, NOT COOL.
So, you can imagine my reaction when my assignment today for my history class was to climb to the top of the dome. Yes, it was my participation grade for the day, I had to do this.
White-faced and sick to my stomach, I did it, not happily mind you. All 530 steps to the narrow outside ledge with only a stone barrier keeping me from plunging to my death.
I didn't, obviously. I got an A for the day, but I wasn't happy about that Dr. Thornhill. Never again.
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